Matrix Biolage R.A.W. Recover Shampoo & Conditioner

by - Thursday, January 19, 2017

I've tried natural hair care before and honestly haven't been sold on it. It seems I really like the feel of silicone in my hair product. Well Matrix changed my mind with their new Biolage R.A.W. line, I am a complete convert now.

Matrix Biolage R.A.W. (Real Authentic and Wholesome) is a 70% - 95% natural in origin hair care line that makes you question if it really is natural.  I have been using the Recover line for the last two months and could not be more ecstatic about it.
Usually shampoos that are natural (and subsequently silicone free) make my hair feel like a tangled mess when I am done using them. But not this baby, not only does it lather really nicely, it also manages to clean my hair and leave it feeling clean and light (no silicone heaviness) while not feeling stripped or dry. It also smells fantastic, goji berry and yucca make it smell like an actual juice vs a shampoo.
The conditioner hasn't let me down yet either. I find I really don't need too much of it to get a good coverage, which is odd for a natural range. I usually find I need extra product because without other ingredients their isn't enough slip to move it around, but not this glorious conditioner. I usually leave it on for a few minutes and find that my hair really benefits from it. My hair feels really well nourished and light and fluffy when it dries, never weighted down or heavy. Plus I don't miss the silicone at all, my hair is just as smooth but with none of the buildup or weight. 
The Recover line is meant for stressed and sensitized hair, which mine definitively is after all the colour treatments and cold weather I have been dealing with. I find my hair has been healthier, lighter and less damaged since using it. I don't find I need to do anything fancy with my hair either, if just works better for me without all the fight anymore (I account this to the no buildup from silicone).

All three of the Biolage R.A.W lines are 70% to 99% biodegrade, contain no sulphates, parabens, silicones or artificial colours or scents (which is crazy because they smell so good). They also come in 100% recycled plastic bottles that aren't too hard that you have to crack them to get product out, they actually fit in my hand quite well too.
There is also Uplift for hair that lacks volume and Nourish for dry and damaged hair. You can pick Matrix and all their lines at select Salons, use their finder here.

Have you tried any of the new Matrix Biolage R.A.W. line of products? What do you think of natural hair care lines?

*products were sent to me for review purposes. All reviews and opinions are my own.

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