Empties: 10 I'm Tossing No. 4

by - Wednesday, March 18, 2015

10 more items to throw out. Woot.

A Schick Razor: Not sure what one this was now, but it did the job, it was definitely meant for a man though. Would I buy it again? Maybe, I really am not too picky with my razors but do prefer Schick as a brand.

Boreal Magic Skin Beautifier BB Cream: This is a BB cream that self adjusts, it looks white with little beads when you squeeze it out. After you rub it a bit it changes colour. I loved it, but sadly I had it forever and there wasn't much left. Would I buy it again? Yes, I would it really worked well when I wanted a lighter feeling BB cream.

NYX Lip Crayon in Hot Red: I got this back at IMATS 2010! It needed to be tossed since I never wore it anymore. The bottom cap also went missing. Would I buy it again? No, I just never wore it although I have no reason to dislike it.

Spear Lip and Cheek Stain: I loved this stain, I loved it so much it was in my The Perfect Red Lip Deconstructed post. I really still do love it. Sadly Sephora got rid of it and this one kind of has seen better days (it went kind of liquid). Would I buy it again? Heck Yes! Sephroa bring this baby back!

Benefit Some-Kind-Of-Gorgous: This is the original shade of this fantastic cream to powder, colour adapting foundation. I love it so much I used all of it up. Would I buy it again? I would, and I have! I have a light and another original on the go right now. I like to blend the two.
Life Brand Baby Wipes: I had two of these on the go, one is natural one and one is a regular an unscented. I always end up leaving the lid off these type of things so they dried up and needed to be tossed. I must say they come in really handy if you are a blogger, wether it is wiping you hands after touching a product, wiping the product for fingerprints or just wiping your counter down quick it is great. Would I buy it again? Yes, for the $2.99 I spent yes. But right now I am using Huggies and in a refillable plastic container in hopes I can remember to shut it.

Olay Advanced Cleaning System: I got this a while back and liked it quite a bit. I mean I liked it a lot. Recently I got a Clairsonic Mia 2 and well this baby got the toss. I still think it is a good product, it works in the shower and generally is fantastic....but a clairsonic is just the best thing ever.  Would I buy it again? I would buy it as a gift for someone.

Kett Set Powder: Oh how I loved this powder. Once upon a time it was my holly grain powder and I never used anything else. I would use one up every year. I even proclaimed it a kit must have. Now I have more powders than I can keep track of. I did use this one up, there is only a fine ring left and the lid is broken off...proving I still love it. Would I buy it again?  Yes, I will get another one at IMATS this year for sure.

Essence Brow and Lash Clear Gel: Sometimes you need a clear brow gel, some times they get gross from brow pencils/powders and need to be tossed. This one is great and cheap so you don't feel bad when it comes time to toss it. Would I buy it again?  YEs, but for now I am using Wet n' Wilds' version (and I like it too).

That is all folks, another 10 that I have tossed, I feel good. Have you tossed anything lately?

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