Nair Nourish Crème for Legs & Body

by - Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Hairy legs seem to be almost every ladies summer concern. My hair is fairly light in colour and sparse, so shaving often slips my mind until one day I am putting on some sandals and see how my hair has grown so long I can't envision how I missed it for so long. This summer I have had a ton of cuts and scratches on my legs from dogs, cats, gardening and other mystery incidents I don't necessarily recall. Making shaving a bit more treacherous, the last thing I want is to nick my legs more. Lucky for me I happen to have a tube of Nair Nourish Crème for Legs & Body on hand to help me with the task of safely removing my leg hair.

This version is meant for legs and body, but I have only used it on my legs. It features ribbons of hydrating Grape Seed Oil as will as other antioxidant and hydrating ingredients. Plus it only takes 3 minutes to work, meaning I have no real excuses.
Now like most hair removers you cant put it on cuts or irritated skin, which honestly is just like a razor, but it is such a tick cream that I can easily avoid my cuts and scratches and only put it where I want it. 

I personally have never used a hair removal product before, I thought they would smell strong, dry out my skin and take 15 minutes to do their work. Boy was I surprised to find I was wrong about all of those things. The cream spread on eventually and only took 3 minutes or my most thick and hairy places (my knees to be honest), I just brushed my teeth and flossed and the time was gone. I just washed it off with a sponge in the shower and my legs were not only hairless but well moisturized. I found there was little to no smell too, which was amazing. My legs were soft and smooth.
I am completely in love with this product, how easy it is to use, the lack of smell and the effectiveness of it all. I am going to try it on my arm pits next and Mr. Fox's shoulder (we have a tends machine and it needs hairless skin for the pads to properly adhere and he has a shoulder injury)

Have you tried Nair Nourish Creme before? What do you think of hair removers?

*Product was sent for review purposes, all views and opinions are my own. No I have no clue how I get most of my cuts and bruises, they just show up, I am blaming dogs and general clumsiness.

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