Strauss Water Bar Event

by - Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A little while back, before my hiatus, I attended an event hosted by Strauss Water Bar in Toronto at their lavish King Street Show Room.

Not only was I introduced to the most exciting water dispenser (never excited about water over here, but I was when I saw this baby), I learned about ways to introduce more water into my daily routine and some great skin care.
Here are some reasons why you’ll be too:

No more bottles or coolers which means more environmentally friendly, no more waist, no more freaking out because you forgot to buy more water, no warm water because it isn't in your fridge, and no more wasted space to bottles.

You can set the machine to keep the water at the temperatures you want. Which means it is as cold and/or as hot as you like. This means no more waiting for kettles to boil, no more running the faucet endlessly to get a tempter you like. I have a co worker who hates her water too cold, she can set it exactly how she likes, ingenuous.

No more running out of water. Like I said about the bottles, but I keep pitcher in the fridge, which the hubby never ever refills. I am constantly refilling water, being called to the kitchen and being told there is no water in the fridge. It is infuriating for more that one reason (seriously Richard refill the darn water once and a while).

No waiting. Same as the temperature thing, but much bigger. No waiting for a tap to run like you like, no waiting for kettles, but no waiting for a pitcher to filter it. Just push your cup or mug up against it and get water right away.

Finally, you get better tasting water. It is triple filtered and UV treated to let you experience the best water.
So what did I experience at the event?

I learned about Trinitae Skin Care. It is a brand that features Dead Sea salts and mud.
The products focus on natural skin and body care while infusing the nutrients of the Dead Sea into each product. What I can say about them is they smell amazing. The Aloe Vera Mud Hand Cream feels fantastic on my super dry hands. Not greasy or heavy, my hands were left hydrated and smelling amazing. I also fell in love with some of the body care products, specifically their scent. The Herbal Citrus smells amazing.

We also learned from Camille Moore (CTV's The Social's Food and Entertaining expert) some tasty water recipes. Ways to infuse fruit and other nutrient packed ingredients into our water, for health and just to get us to drink more.

Let me just say they were tasty (and there is a recipe below if you want to try it out).

We also got to make our own tea blend, because I love nothing more than a good cup of tea. I love that the Strauss lets me set the temperature of the water so I can make everything from boiling water for black tea to whatever temperature I need for herbal or green/white teas. So fantastic and so instant.
Mixing our own tea blends
So if you can't tell I now seriously am considering getting a Strauss, mainly because it would fit into my life so well (and tastes great).

I will leave you with my top tips to help you drink more water day to day.
My 5 Tips To Drink More Water
  • Figure out how you like it and drink it that way
    • bottle, straw, cup, whatever, if it works for you then it works
  • Always have it available (and how you like it)
    • If you have water with you at all times, you will most likely drink more of it. 
  • Make it exciting
    •  Flavour it up, and while your at it nutrient it up (you can pick super foods to add to your water)
  • Use Water in Your Recipes:
    • whether it is in a flavoured water recipe like below or a food recipe it is worth sneaking it in to your day in other ways. Soup, a given, but what about other recipes? Jello, pudding, or chia pudding (hey, Chia holds 9 times its weight in water so it is great to use to add extra water and fibre to your day)
  • Track it. 
    • If you set a goal of X amount of glasses a day, start tracking it. Some use elastic bands on their water bottles to track, others a day timers, heck apps are out there too. Set a time, that help. My hubby has a time for his pills and medication, when he takes them he also drinks 1.5 glasses. its a great way to nudge yourself into drinking it.
Finally here is a recipe from Camilla Moore
Strawberry Basil Water Infusion
  • 2 cups strawberries, roughly chopped
  • 1 - 2 40g pkg fresh basil, leaves picked and roughly chopped
  • 1/2 tsp lemon zest
  • 1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/3 C honey
1) Into a large bowl or mason jar add the strawberries and basil. Use a muddler or potato masher to crush them as much as possible. Transfer to a mason jar or container with a lid, cover and refrigerate for 1-2 days (but 2 is definitely more flavourful than 1!).
2) Place a find mesh sieve over a bowl and use a rubber spatula to press the liquid from the strawberries and basil. Discard the pulp (the stuff that remains in the sieve after pressing) or reserve in the refrigerator to add to smoothies.
3) Add the lemon juice, zest and honey to the strawberry basil infusion and stir to combine. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Use as often as desired to add to your water and hydrate deliciously!
4) Enjoy!

You can find Strauss Water Bar at:
Twitter @StraussWaterCa

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