Sunday at home and Ikea

by - Sunday, March 04, 2012

Sunday is my Satuday, and by that I mean the first of two days off. I usually try to get some things done around my place on was a big one.

Last Sunday it was cleaning out the closet this sunday it was setting up my new desk/vanity and putting together a sink cabinet from Ikea.

The desk/vanity went smoothly, and will look better when the full damage from the radiator leak is fixed (the floor isn't done so the bed is moved right over and everything smooched into my vanity/desk area) and my shelves are put up. Trust me when it is done it will look amazing.
Here is a sneak peek. The keyboard and track pad can be slid underneath the monitor for more table top room when needed.

As for the sink cabinet, it was a Fullen and I got it on sale for under $25. Unfortunately for me when I opened the box I saw this...
Damage. Horrible damage. Parts in tissue paper and duct tape. Ughh. Sooo, I hauled myself onto the bus and went to Ikea on a Sunday! Let me repeat, Ikea on a Sunday!!!!

I made the best of the situation and after waiting 40 minutes for the exchange I went and got myself a meatball dinner.  I also went to the store and got some cookies and chocolate. The heart shaped cookies are amazing!!
After all this I finally put the cabinet together and the final result...
It mainly holds the toilet paper that we have no place to store and epsoms salts. I am very happy with it.

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