Smashbox Inventory/Collection

by - Monday, December 13, 2010

Since I am on a shopping ban and I am moving I thought it would be a good time to do some inventory on my stash. This isn't to show off or anything like that, just to be accountable for what I have and organizational reasons.

So, I begin with my Smashbox collection.

lip glosses
eye shadows and liners
eye and face products
glosses again
blushes and shadows


cream liner/shadow shadow trip

gel liners
eyeshadow quad

5 in 1 shadow/blush  
Icon palette with gel liner

lash dna and primer
full collection
Thoughts on the brand:

  • good quality
  • nice consistancy
  • nice packaging
  • nice glosses
  • eyeshadow trios are way too soft and break easily
  • made in China - sigh hopefully Estee Lauder fixes this soon
  • shimmery - I would like some things in the eyeshadow line to be matte, not all shimmers
Some of my glosses have doefoots and others brushes, I personally like them but some of mine came smelling funny into my life. I don't know if it was a batch problem or just the product.

Note: I totally regret doing these photos on the floor. It looks messy, but since I am moving I have no table to use...sorry

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