Benefit Lemonade Review

by - Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Despite never really loving Benfit's kitschy packaging and image, I seem to own quite a bit of their stuff (although much of it was ether free or a gift) and I do like or love most of it. Lemonade falls into a strange place in the Benefit world for me, it doesn't have a kitschy package, actually it is quite mature for Benefit, but I just don't like it.

I have only heard great things about Lemonade, fantastic ravings, so I chose to get it recently when my friend let me abuse her Shopper's Optimum points (once again making it that I did not spend my own money on a Benefit product). I was excited! I was eager to try out yet another eye primer, and one that neutralizes the purple tones on my eyes and brightens the area for bolder colour application. This sounded like it was the primer for me. But sadly it wasn't.

It seemed I had to use quite a bit of it to get a consistent finish, I worried that I was over applying it, but I could see blank spots, I blended but it wasn't that creamy (a good thing in an eye-primer) so more was needed. I then applied my eyeshadow, looking good, alls well so far. Then 10:57 am happened and so did creasing. CREASING? Before 11:00 in the morning? What was going on? Well, the answer was Lemonade wasn't doing it's job for me.

I gave it a few more shots over the past few weeks and the same thing happened. I tried less Lemonade, still creasing in the AM! I was upset. I know it is the summer and it is humid and hot, but my Mac Paint Pots were holding up to the heat. So was my Urban Decay Primer Potion. Even my Elf eye primers were doing better than this.

Sign. So I gave up. Lemonade may be fantastic, but just not for me. Disappointed? Yes, but not everything works for everyone and was a million times better than Mark's Hold Please Eye Primer.

  • Nice packaging - matte black with pretty lettering and big mirror
  • light yellow colour creates a great colour base
  • gets rid of nasty blue/purple tones on eye (cover veins well)
  • creamy but not slick
  • portable

  • Slightly pricy -$29
  • Didn't last for me at all, creased in the AM!

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