Five on Friday March 2023

by - Friday, April 07, 2023

It's time for a 5 On Friday.  I know I don't do them often,  so I'm pretty excited to get this one out there.

1. Fam Jam 
Family get togethers with my siblings and their families aren't the easiest to arrange. Somehow we all manged to make it work last Sunday on a moments notice.

This auntie was tickled to hang out with all my nieces and nephew for a day.
If that all wasn't great enough,  we also had such a good meal, souvlaki, flavoured rice, Greek potatoes as well as many other yummy  things. Unfortunately I didn't take photos of the food, but I did take some of Bradley. 

2. A Wedding 
My father in-law and my step mother in-law decided after 28 years together to actually legally get married.  It was a city hall wedding but a nice family event followed by a gathering at near by resturant.  It was a nice Thursday suprise. 
I made the couple a little gift consisting of a bottle of non alcoholic bubble, some mini canvas, glasses, cookies and gold and white napkins. I wish I took a better photo, but I was in a hurry.

3. Drive-in is back
Later that evening Rich and I went to the drive-in for the first time this season (it just opened last weekend). We saw Super Mario Bros Movie and Champions as the second film. Neither film was spectacular,  but both were fun family films.
I love the drive-in! We get to see two movies for less then $30 for both of us, we get to bring Bradley and yummy food. 
We always get some tasty food when we go but we never arrive on time, so I spent 40 mins waiting for food. Next time we'll get it between films to save time.

4. Art Galley and Brunch
I had a brunch with my aunt, sister in-law and two nieces today at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO). It was pretty tasty, I got blueberry pancakes. My nieces were having a blast at the gallery doing arts and crafts and even looking at the art.
5. Long weekend a head
I ended up taking an extra day off for the wedding and ended up with a 5 day long weekend. I'm actually really looking forward to it. I need to get some stuff done, but also need the rest.
I ordered a new WiFi printer so I can sort out my taxes and easily print shipping labels for my poshmark sales, so im also relatively excited about that because our printer is just so old and a real pain since we rarely want to hook our computers up to it. It also as free with out walmart rewards.

I hope you've all had a great week and have a great long weekend ahead. 

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