Five on Friday, End of Year Edition

by - Saturday, December 31, 2022

So it's New Year’s Eve,  and technically a Saturday,  but I thought it would. E a great way to wrap up the year by doing a 5 on Friday post.

I know I haven't done these too regularly but it is a good way of reflecting. 

1. I had time off.

While the majority of December is dedicated to work, and the exhaustion that goes along with it, I've had most of this week off. I worked the 27th and 28th and that was it.

I definitely needed the R&R because I was physically and mentally exhausted.  I even got a cold, so I spent the last few days recouping. I'm grateful to be able to have the time off to recover.

2. Christmas!!!!
Christmas happened. Last Friday I went to my brother's for sibling Christmas.  It was cancelled the last two years so I really was excited.  I get to see all my nieces and nephew on my families side. It was much needed and honestly one of the best moments of the whole year for me. 

We also did a smaller Christmas at my aunts. It was delicious and was also a great time.  I really love my family and the last 3 years have been really hard on me being so separated. 

3. Nanny's Christmas Cookies
My mom made me a Christmas cookie cook book of all my grandmother's recipes. Its sweet and oh so thoughtful. 

4. Photo Album
My aunt gave me as a Christmas gift a photo album she made of our family's history. From family trees, to photos to heart felt stories, it's one of the most touching things I have ever been given.

Above is a photo of me as a baby with my mom.

5.Time with the hubby.
The hubs has also had this time off, so we got to spend some time just together.  It's a small thing but it's a nice thing.
We watched Top Gun Maverick and Glass Onion: Knives Out. Both were fantastic! 
I hope 2022 was good to you, I hope 2023 is even better. I hope to be a bit more out there next year.

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