Neutrogena Light Therapy Acne Mask Review

by - Tuesday, September 11, 2018

As of July 22, 2019, Neutrogena Canada has issued a voluntary recall of this product. It will no longer be sold in Canada. If you have it please contact them at 1 888-663-8876.
You may have noticed that the NEUTROGENA® Light Therapy Acne Mask and Activator are not available where you shop in Canada. That’s because these products have been recalled from wholesalers and retail stores. Our decision to recall this product is being made out of an abundance of caution. The NEUTROGENA® Light Therapy Acne Mask is safe for use by the general population when used once per day as directed. Reports of visual effects associated with use of the NEUTROGENA® Light Therapy Acne Mask are rare, generally mild and transient. For a small subset of the population with certain underlying eye conditions, as well as for users taking medications which could enhance ocular photosensitivity, there is a theoretical risk of eye injury.
If you experience any visual discomfort when using the mask, you should stop use and contact your healthcare professional. For any questions, including regarding a refund, please contact our Consumer Care line at 1 888-663-8876.
For a link to the recall click here and here.

Acne can strike anyone at any age. I never had it as a teen but have developed quite the case in my 30's. I 100% blame it on hormones. Lucky for me my new Neutrogena Light Therapy Acne Mask has really helped turn things around for me.

The mask features Red and Blue lights. The red lights help with inflammation and the blue with acne-causing bacteria. Together they both help tackle acne and the inflammation that it can cause. You cannot see it in my pictures, but there are separate red and blue lights in the mask, they just don't photograph well and blur into a purple in the photos.
All you do to use it is put the mask on, slide the earpieces over your ears like glasses. Plug in the activator into the mask and press the button. Then just sit back and wait for 10 minutes. It is pretty darn simple and was easy to incorporate into my night time routine, I just keep it by my bedside table.

There is an eye visor area that lets you look out without harming your eyes, but the red and blue lights sort of still mess with my eyesight so I can't see too much. I personally think your best bet is to just lay back and close your eyes while you wait for the mask to do its thing.
The activator will show a number, it lets you know how many uses you have left. Once it hits zero just need to go buy a new one and take the old one to an e-recycler (they have a handy search feature on their website, just type in your postal code to find the nearest one that will take the unit).

Neutrogena recommends using it daily for 30 days, each cycle lasts 10 minutes. I used it for two weeks straight then tapered it off to twice a week. I also use it every day for the four days leading up to my period (usually my breakouts start when my period begins). I really found that this stopped me from breaking out altogether. For a month I had consistent stubborn scarring acne and for the last three month nothing at all, not a single pimple. None! Not a one! This is fantastic because the last year has been pretty hard on me and to fix it all with something as simple as a chemical-free mask a few times a week is just amazing.
I love that this is a 100% chemical free way of treating acne, this makes it ideal for anyone on any acene or skin care regiment. I also love it is UV ray free, this is great for so many reasons, but one being people on many acne medications (Tetracycline or Accutane) can become sun sensitive and their medications warn against exposure.
I also love that this is an actually affordable acne treatment. Retailing for $45.99 - $49.99 at most stores and the refills costing $19.99 - $25.99.

Overall I am in love with this mask! I don't get break-outs any more, which saves me pain and hassle and scarring. Best of all, it is easy and pretty darn affordable. No UV rays, no Chemicals, and it just works. I just lay down in bed and put the mask on and listen to some podcasts for 10 minutes, it doesn't get any easier. The one downside is the fact you have to get a new charger every 30 cycles. It is great it is only about $20, but it feels wasteful. I am very glad Neutrogena partnered with e-recyclers and it is an easy thing to recycle (I have to take my batteries and light bulbs in anyways, so it really isn't any more of a hassle).

Do you suffer from Acne? Would you try a device like this?
*Product was sent for review purposes; all views and opinions are my own.

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