Cozy Comforts For Fall

by - Saturday, November 07, 2015

As the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder, it's nice to be warm and cozy at home.  This months theme for the Canadian Beauty Bloggers is cozy comforts, something I am quite fond of.  I am that person who has a hard time staying warm in the cooler months, I'm also that person who loves long bathes and candles, cozy comforts is what I'm all about. 

Beautysets - cozy comforts

1446733393_pbbw1-21052464v2751446733924_21192_p7142_prod_1_black_20blue_fmt_png-alpha_fit_crop_wid_357_hei_425_defaultimage_defaultblank?1446733924First off whenever I get home I change, into some lounge wear or pjs. But my feet are almost always freezing. Last week I wore two pairs of socks to bed, I just could not get them warm. Burr. So getting a pair of thermal socks is a must. While I am quite the fan of Bath and Body Works' Shea-Infused Socks for keeping my feet both warm and cozy, sometimes I need something a bit warmer (usually when I come inside from the snow or when I accidentally step in a puddle with the wrong shoes on). Those times I like to wear Dakota Work Socks You can find them at Marks. They are designed for those who work on their feet (oh me, me, I work on my feet) and were affectionately referred to by my dad as nurses socks. For the last ten Christmases my dad got me a pair, it was a sweet and caring tradition, making them extra cozy to me. Another great find at Marks is Denver Hayes Thermal Socks....mmm toasty feet.

1446819586_10205_l21446819456_10017dt01var003928-bi-1.57After I've gotten comfortable and my feet are warm I usually like to get comfy with a good cup of tea. I love tea and have a large collection at this point, mainly filled with tea from David's Tea. My all time favourite tea is the Kenyan Tinderet tea, followed by the seasonal Santa's Secret (it is a black tea with mini candy canes in it). Tea relaxes me and I honestly just love to drink it. Definitely a cozy comfort.

1446822457_350-100229387-894__1I usually take my tea and go to the den in the basement where it's a bit chilly. Our furnace is 25+ years old and doesn't quite the power it once did. Since the hubby is always hot and I'm always cold the obvious solution is for me to just warm up with a heated throw blanket. I just got this nicenest cozyiest throw ever at Costco this month and am just in love with it. It's fuzzy and cuddly even without the heat on.  

1446734038_51z3zottwfl._sx329_bo1_204_203_200_A good book is must for a cozy night, right now I'm ready Jenny Lawson's second book 'furiously happy'. It's a memoirs of sorts, talking about her struggles with depression, but in a humour Only 'The Bloggess' can deliver.  

1446733455_pbbw1-21648720v275Now with my warm feet, cozy blanket, hot tea and a good book, I like to light a candle sometimes. Right now I'm using up some Bath and Body Works' candles from years past. Leaves is an all time fall/winter favourite. It just smells like apples and fall. Cinnamon and Cloves is also a candle I've using in a seasonal attempt to liven the place up.

1446817836_s1739671-main-hero-300Lastly my lips are an awful mess this time of year, a good lip balm (Burt's Bees are great as are Pure + Simple's lip balms) can do wonders for you lips and mood. If you are like me you probably have a massive collection of lip balms. I treat myself this time of year to a bite lip mask in an attempt to repair my lips as quickly as possible, plus they just smell and feel so good. Right now I have their Maple Agave Lip Mask, it is very nice indeed.

So there you go. A book , a blanket, tea, a candle, warm socks and some lip balm. All a girl needs right?

What are your cozy comforts this time of year?

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