Where Have I Been?

by - Monday, August 31, 2015

You may be wondering 'where have you been ?'. The truth is, I wish there was a quick and easy answer, but there isn't.

I've been through a lot in the last few months, heck 2.5 years, but now its time for me to get back to things as they once were. Well that is what I would like to think, the thing is, nothing will ever be the same in my life.

So without making everyone too awkward or sad, I am going to attempt to give you a very breif synopis of my life over the last 2.5 years and give you a glimps into why I have not been a constistant (or even real ) blogger for the last little while.

In 2013 my dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer. This spring and summer his battle reached a tipping point and cancer won.

This is why when my beloved Monty (the dog I loved so much) died in January 2014 of a liver infection at age 5, I had to just move on, even though my heart broke. It truly wasn't something I expected to happen to my young pup, my best friend, the person (I know he wasn't a person) I leaned on the most in life, not like that. But when your father is fighting for his life you have to just be strong for everyone else and not focus on that, you have to focus on who is still with you and how you can help them.

I have spent much of the last few months with him, moving, and then recovering from the horrendous loss of my father. I'm not sure if I will ever really recover.

I haven't been able to blog because I really couldn't even string a sentence together, none the less sit down and write something. Also with the move I really have no clue where anything is.

Now that all is said and done, and I am partially settled into my new place (there is so much to do, it is overwhelming, but most things today overwhelm me), I hope to maybe be able to start blogging again.

Thanks for waiting it out with me, I hope you all stick with me as I start to blog again.

Thanks for listing,

Dad and Me

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