Feather Hair Extensions

by - Sunday, March 20, 2011

Photo from ebay seller who I got mine from
I've read a lot about feather hair extensions recently and went out on a mission to get them into my hair. Here how I did it.

First off I went on the net and looked at peoples feathers and videos on it. After searching for pre made feathers I realized they cost about $15 USA for one cluster of extensions. I thought this was insaine and went on ebay and bought some feathers from a fly fishing store. They got lost in the mail. The seller sent me some more. 1.5 months after ordering the feathers they were here (because the first batch got lost). 

Now how to put them in? I could have bought a bunch of hair extension clamps rings online for cheap (ebay again) but I was dumb and didn't think of it until it was too late. So I could go to Sally's and pay about $20 for a few clamp rings or I could do what I did, go to a craft store and buy larger beading crimping bead. Ideally in a darker non metal shade, but beggars cant be choosers. 
So feathers and clamps down now how to put the hair into the clamps? You can buy fancy hook things or you could look in your medicine cabinet and get out a floss threader like I did. I threaded some hair though the hoop and then put a clamp on the needle part and threaded it though. Once there I slid a feather in and clamped it with pliers.
Done! Easy and cheaper than any other way I've seen.

Would I do this again. Sure. I only got black and natural feathers so I might switch up my look in a week or before a party I have to go to. They can be curled and treated like hair so I am excited to try things out. I've gotten lots of complements and love the look and ease of it.

The feathers I got are a bit short but so is my hair so it actually looks great. Next time I get some I will go to a fly shop on my own and hand pick the feathers. As well I would not get metal coloured crimping beads, I would get ones that are closer to my hair shade.

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