Primer Review Part 3

by - Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ok so time for some more primer reviews.

The last of my skin primers ... phew that is a lot of primers, so lets go...

E.L.F. Mineral Face Primer

This is apparently a mineral infused primer, it is in fact a silicone based primer. A very silicone based primer, lots of siliconeness. This is much more slick and almost greasy primer vs. the Quo or Smashbox versions.  I don't know how it is mineral infused (or if it is), there is no size on the site, box, or bottle so I have no clue how much is in the pump.
Since my skin is dry, this works well for me as a primer but does little for all day lasting effect. I find it good on the days that I just use some concealer and not much else on my face. On full foundation days, this does nothing for lasting power and is not worth the $6 USA I  paid for it. I feel if I had greasy skin this would not be a good choice for me at all. But luckily my skin is dry.

Would I buy it again? Yes, it was $6 and I place a lot of ELF orders, so why not.
Would I recommend it to people? No.


  • CHEAP!! $6 is cheap
  • good for dryer skin
  • works well to help thicker concealers blend on top of


  • Too slick or has too much silicone in it and wont work too well on oily skin types
  • Has no size on it so you don't know how much is in the bottle
  • doesn't provide great staying power


This is made by O.C.C. (Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics) a great airbrush company that is vegan. For some reason vegan seems to spread with them beyond the idea of just not using animal products and into the realm of not using silicone airbrush makeup because silicone is plastic and bad for you (I was told this by someone at Toronto's Industry Cosmetics), I think that is a noble idea, but then why does this primer have silicate in it (silicone) or  Methylpararaben and Propylaparaben? Just asking.

This primer can be used by hand, brush, sponge or airbrush. It leaves the skin kinds of sticky. You can also use this around they eyes making it a great pigment primer. Only a few drops are needed for the whole face (no matter how you apply it).

I found it great when I used my Kett hydro proof airbrush makeup and made it last longer. As an eye primer , it make my eyes water for a while but was wonderful as a primer or pigment base.

I would like to talk to someone at OCC about this whole vegan/natural but not being so thing...but that can wait.
Would I buy it again: YES!
Would I recomend it: YES!


  • was relatively cheap
  • can be airbrushed on
  • can be applied traditionally (brush, hand, sponge)
  • sticky and provides great staying power
  • vegan
  • water-based (with some silicate in it)
  • good for oily skin
  • a little goes a long long way
  • can be used as an eye makeup primer
  • great for pigments on eyes
  • Hard to find (online only in Canada at this point)
  • makes eyes water 

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