Hair Woes

by - Friday, October 28, 2011

Oh how things have changed from the care free blonde days of my single digit years. Yep it is true, once upon a time I was a blonde. Here is the proof.

Then I hit ten and that all changed. My hair got dark. I started dying it even at ten to keep it blonde. Sigh. Silly ideas we have when we are young. 

Ever since then I've been dying it off and on and continually since I was 19.

This last summer I did some real damage to it. I mean it got bad. So bad my hair dresser last week told me, NO MORE!

Yep, I've been banned from dying my hair until the new year. 

I already have bad roots, so this might get ugly. Here was my hair tuesday, it doesn't look too bad here, but trust me it is.
There isn't much I can do to solve this. I said I wouldn't dye it and I will be true to my word. But, sigh, this sucks. I am going to try to repair my hair, hot oil, coconut oil, treatments, heat protectants, not using my iron much, and well no dye.

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