Empties and Toss Aways Post

by - Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I read the amazing Beauty Redictionista's blog and I am stealing her idea (well she encourages it to be honest). 

So instead of me just tossing things, I am storing them until I get a bigger batch and will blog about it. Thus giving me more purge satisfaction (and something to blog about).
my bag and where I keep it.
The contents of the bag. 
Mascaras and brow products. These mainly got old and for hygiene reasons are being tossed.
This wasn't the best and got thick so it is gone.
I loved this stuff so much I am on my 2nd bottle
(3rd if you count the mini bottle I got).
I love this stuff and go through it fast, thank goodness I got it at dollarama.
My 3rd bottle. Love this stuff, great in the summer.
This was a 1/2 sized product. I loved it so much.
Must use up some more powders first then rebuy it.
That is it! I hope you liked it. I am glad to get rid of some stuff and move on. I feel like my collection is getting out of hand, so I am going to continue to purge as much as I can.

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