Hard Candy ~ Lash Call Mascara Review

by - Sunday, November 21, 2010

A while back I picked up some Hard Candy 'Lash Call' mascaras in Limelight and Punk. Limelight is a turquoise colour and Punk a bright pink. 

Hard Candy has quite a few different types of mascara, and quite a few of those come in coloured varieties. Lash Call falls into the Lengthening category and is available in six colours.
So on to the review....

First off here are my plain un mascared lashes....not the greatest pics,
I know but it was best I could do.
Ok, so now that we see how long my lashes are without any product on them, and what they look like we can move on.
The wand. Small bristles that hold a lot of product.

The Brush:
It is a good inch and a half in length with short bristles that are great for reaching every lash. It is also great for reaching to the base of the lashes for full coverage.

various open and shut shots of my eyes with the mascras on
Left: limelight right: punk
I found that both the shades have excellent colours to them. Unlike other coloured mascaras I have tried, these actually are the same colour when they dry!  I might not wear such bright colours on daily bases, but I still love them. They are great on the lower lashes to give a bit of colour to them.

Limelight covered all my lashes easily and none of my natural colour showed through. The fact that Punk is a brighter colour made it less effective at covering my natural lash colour. I would recommend if you get Lash call in a light colour or if you have really dark lashes that you use an mascara primer first to cover up the lashes.

Lengthing Effect:
I found it did an effective job at making my lashes look slightly longer, nothing to write home about though.

  • Bright colours
  • Six colours to choose from
  • Cheap!
  • Might need to use a primer under brighter colours or if you have dark lashes
I am liking these a lot, I am glad that I got them. I might try one of the other versions of coloured mascaras from Hard Candy in the future. Like I said above, to try a primer underneath for lighter shades. As well using a fan mascara brush really helped me coat the tops of my lashes as well right to the base.

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